Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Femicide & Impunity Defined

"To understand the complexities of Guatemala and the problems of violence against women requires a review of the history, including economic realities."

The site  Stop Femicide! takes a comprehensive look the factors surrounding Femicide and the progress made in the struggle against it.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Violence Against Women Kills Us All

Violence against our women kills us all

Throughout Native North America, great attention is paid to the common thread that binds our communities together – women, the lifegivers.

Sadly, from a survey of the landscape, things are not looking so good.

Despite the passage of new federal legislation that will bring direly needed resources to our communities, the violence largely has not been stemmed, and is, in fact, getting worse in some places.

Women Of Courage

The featured story here was recently reported in the Oct 27th edition of the Maryland Gazette. The strength, drive and determination relayed in this article is a primary concept in the VAW project. We hope to show that while these women face serious threats, they possess a will to overcome and move forward; not only for themselves, but for others who are also caught in the same cycle of violence.

Ana will be featured in the production along with Norma Cruz, who is a key and active voice in Womens Rights in Guatemala. Through her efforts, convictions for crimes against women in Guatemala has risen. These include cases utilizing forensic science including DNA evidence (a first for crimes against women in the region)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Something to think about

Here is a thought that a friend just pointed out that I think everyone should keep in mind. Gender violence drives some women to flee to the United States ... deportation of these women can put their lives at serious risk.

More background info via the Guatemalan Human Rights Commission

Introduction and Background

While this project focuses on Guatemala, violence against women is something we (sadly) see all over the globe.

She can be anywhere. She can be anyone. She is standing next to you in line at the grocery store. You may wave to her from across your driveway every morning. Her children go to the same schools as yours. She is one the invisible women who suffer every day.

The following is a brief overview of just one aspect of violence against women in Guatemala and one of the brave souls who's dedicated her life to giving a voice to those who have lost their lives in this horrible struggle.